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Old Age

Respecting The Elderly

The treatment and perception of the elderly vary widely across cultures, reflecting a rich tapestry of traditions, social norms, and values. In some societies, elders...


Old Age

Elderly Fitness

As the elderly population continues to boom, it’s more important than ever for seniors to stay active and prioritise their health. Regular exercise can help...


Old Age

Senior Relaxation

Our journey through life takes many twists and turns as we age, with each new experience or change in health bringing its own unique challenges. For...


Old Age

Join a Walking Club

As we age, our bodies begin to slow down, and participating in physical activities can become more challenging. Despite this, however, staying active is incredibly...


Old Age

Should We Live In Crete?

Are you curious as to why they live longer lives in Crete? Are you wondering what their secrets are to healthy and happy longevity? As it...


Old Age

Recovering from a Terrible Injury

Falling due to lack of balance or mobility is often a plight suffered by the elderly, and it can be a difficult road to heal...


Old Age

Elderly Activities

The outlook for those who have aged has changed over the last few decades, and much of the progress is good. The scenario where an...


Old Age

Regaining Mobility

For those who have matured past the need to work and be active, a lack of flexibility can affect them. They might have medical issues...


Old Age

Uplifting the Elderly

Mobility issues and medical problems often accompany older people, and it can become a depressing way of life for all concerned. Some have found that...


Old Age

Suffering Nutritional Deficiencies

Many people who have aged would rather live alone than with their children, and they often fiercely resist being shunted into a home for the...


Old Age

Making Lifestyle Adjustments

When an elderly person gets to the point where they are not longer able to live alone, it can be a devastating experience for them....


Old Age

Physical Care for the Elderly

As people age, their bodies begin to wear out. For some of these people, replacement hips, knees and heart valves keep them active and on...


Old Age

The Pain of Forgetfulness

Many cultures look at the outside of people without thinking of the inside. The mind is what controls how a person's body works, what they...


Old Age

At Home Care in a Generational Household

Being elderly has many good points such as grown children and grandchildren to enjoy. Some elderly people with physical issues may move in with their...


Many countries are currently dealing with the issues associated with their population becoming elderly. Those that participated in World War II often have elderly populations that comprise almost twenty percent of their population. These people are approaching or have reached a time in their life when it has become difficult for them to live alone. Some elderly need assistance if they are to stay at home. Some will have issues too difficult to overcome and need full time care.

A great many cultures revere their elderly population. They look to them for wisdom and knowledge. Many elderly people are now living full time with their grown children and grandchildren. Generational homes are becoming a part of the mainstream in many cultures. Caring for the elderly differs as much as the people. Some are in excellent health and require little physical care but enjoy the companionship of living with their children. Others require complete care and can no longer live on their own.